Ultimate Champion IndieGoGo Competition

Only two weeks into our digital campaign and we’re already blown away by your support. Over 200 followers on Twitter so far, over 500 likes on Facebook, and well over £900 contributed to our IndieGoGo campaign, not to mention all your comments, likes, blogposts, paper.lis and general digital thumbs up. You people are awesome. In recognition of your support, we would like to give a special prize to the person who campaigns the hardest for our film. Start sharing now and you could end up being thanked in person by the cast and crew on set, and credited in the film.

How to Take Part

1: Grab Your Link

Find your unique URL for our IndieGoGo campaign. You must be registered with IndieGoGo and signed in to view your unique link to our campaign page. You’ll see your link right underneath the pitch video. We’ve pointed it out for you in the pic below.

indiegogo champion unique

2: Share it Like Crazy

Get your link out there! Tweet it, post it on facebook, blog it, Tumble it – share it as widely, broadly and frequently as you possibly can. The more your link gets seen, the better your chance of winning.

3: Get Cheered On

We can track how many people you are referring to our IndieGoGo page. Once we see that you are sending lots of visitors our way, we’ll start cheering you on. We want you to win!

4: Claim Your Prize

The person who refers the most people to our IndieGoGo page will be announced as our ULTIMATE CHAMPION. You and a friend will be invited to join us on set for a day (travel expenses not covered, sorry), where the cast and crew will thank you in person. You will get to see the fruits of your campaign, including the wooden hut and trebuchet. If you like, we can engrave your name or a message on the hut. You will also get your name in the credits and on IMDB as a special thank you.

And that’s it! Don’t worry, the Fireworks team and Stephen Fry aren’t eligible, so this is all up for grabs. Get started now to get ahead of the race!