Euan Gray Hut Builder on Gillies’ Hut Design

When we found out architectural designer and fabricator Euan Gray was up to the challenge of creating Gillies’ hut for Fireworks we were delighted. Euan both designs and builds most of his projects, following the design process from conception right the way through to installation. With an impressive portfolio stretching from buildings to installations to furniture, he is a true master of his art.


Hannah Robinson and Jonathan Hall’s award-winning script and colourful characters attracted Euan to the project, and he can’t wait to get started. Euan says:

“I’m really looking forward to designing the hut for Fireworks – it’s a great script and I could see it all playing out when I read it, the characters interacting in different places in and around the hut. I’ve tried to get some of those ideas of the eccentric, intimate spaces through into the design – as well as making it work technically.”

Euan’s hand-crafted huts are often chic, Nordic style retreats. Gillies’ hut, though, will be anything but neat! He explains:

“It’s fun to be able to work on something that needs to look homemade, odd and ramshackle, rather than neat, refined and perfectly finished!”

The personalities and complexities of the film’s characters are reflected in his design, which promises to be truly exciting and completely unique. He highlights the challenges of this particular project:

“Filming presents a whole different set of technical challenges – you’ve got to be thinking about where the camera will film from, where the lights will be hidden, where the shots can be framed – windows, doors and walls will all need to be removable just to get the filming angles right in such a small space!”

Euan points out that designing for film is not the only challenge he faces in creating Gillies’ hut; being a part of an indie comedy filmed in Scotland means his structure also has the weather to contend with! No mean feat, but a challenge he accepts with pleasure:

“That unseen technical dimension is actually a bigger challenge than the aesthetic design – but both are equally enjoyable.”

Gillies’ hut is set to be a stand-out piece, beautifully designed and hand-crafted by Euan. If you’re tempted by the idea of owning an iconic piece of film memorabilia which doubles up as a perfect hideout you can have Gillies’ hut delivered to your door as one of the perks of our IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign.

His beautiful collection of hut drawings inspired by his designs are another perk, coming as a set of four prints of original drawings that are an affordable gift in time for for Xmas.

We’re certainly glad Euan was up to the challenge and can’t wait to see the finished hut. Visit Euan’s website to see more of his designs, and visit our IndieGoGo page to claim Gillies’ hut as your very own, very special, hideout.